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Market Reform and Regulatory Studies

  • Study on Long-term Technology Mix of the Singapore electricity  market for EMA: We worked with Energy Market Authority of Singapore to help create an excel-based model to assess the impact of long-term technology mix on cost and carbon emission in the Singapore electricity market.   

  • Design of Renewable energy exchange in Peninsular Malaysia:  Since January 2024, we have been involved in the design of renewable energy exchange in Peninsular Malaysia, which is for exporting green power and local green power consumption in Malaysia.

  • Enhancement of Singapore competitive electricity market:  We were involved in the detailed market design of a forward capacity market to ensure the power supply reliability standards can be met in the medium- and long-term.  

  • Taiwan Power Market Reform: We are helping one of the Taiwanese research institutes to provide training materials and workshops on best practices of international power market reform for Taipower. 

  • Research support on electricity reform for one of the Chinese grid companies: We have been providing research support on electricity market reform for one of the Chinese grid companies since late 2018.

  • Multiple regional studies to identify key barriers and enablers for investing in renewable and flexible capacity in ASEAN and greater China region. 

Market and Strategy Studies

  •  Commercial assessment of power imports Into Singapore: We are in an EMA panel for commercial competitiveness assessment of potential power imports into Singapore.  

  • Market Studies on Chinese solar and wind sector: We provide detailed analysis on the Chinese solar and wind sector for international investors. 

  • Study on the Oman Power Market.  We were the market advisor for an international IPP for a new solar capacity auction by OPWP in 2022, and we provided detailed market study and power modelling support to help the client win its first 500 MW solar project in the Middle East.  

  • Study on Taiwan Power and Gas Market: We have completed more than 10 detailed study on the opportunities and risks of investing in the Taiwanese renewable and battery energy storage solutions since 2019.   Our clients have invested in large scale battery energy storage for E-dReg and offshore wind projects in the past few years in Taiwan. 

  • Market entry and power optimization modelling studies in the Philippines renewable and gas market:  We have done more than 15 studies on market entry and wholesale electricity market price projection for solar and wind assets in the Philippines since 2019.  Our clients have invested in LNG terminal(s), solar and wind projects in 2020-2023.  

  • Economics of gas and LNG Terminals in Asia: We completed multiple projects to evaluate the economics of building LNG-fired CCGTs and LNG Terminals; and help to formulate implementation strategy to build the LNG terminals in multiple Asian countries in the past 5 years.

  • Multi-client study (MCS) on Singapore Power and Gas Market:  We completed a comprehensive multi-client study on Singapore power and gas market.  The MCS provides valuable insights for existing and new investors in Singapore as well as regulators or foreign companies who want to understand how Singapore has reformed its electricity sector since early 1990s. 

  • Market Studies on China gas/LNG market: We provide province-by-province analysis on Chinese gas/LNG market.

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